Commissioned Project Examples



“As an artist my passion is for portrait work. I have supplied commissioned work to many satisfied customers. Either full body sculpture, a bust or a life size painting. I need to have a sitting for a photo of the subject. When the work is near completion then I require a second sitting for the final finishes.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sandra Jones


Scroll down for some samples of Sandra’s completed commissioned projects.

Sandra was supplied with a photo of the subject which she used to complete this commissioned painting. Click on the image to see the photo & completed work.

Commissioned portrait bust was compled from a photo of the subject and a live sitting before clay was fired. Minimal glazing was required which redued the total cost for the client. Click to see photo

Commossioned portrait painting done from a photo of the subject & a live sitting. Click painting to see photo.

If you are interested in ordering a commission work, either a painting or a sculpture please fill in the form below and I will get back to you  to discuss the details.

Commission Enquiry

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Commissioned Bust Sculptures

Sandra has completed a number of commissioned sculptures fashioned in clay from photographs, They all reflect a close likeness to the subject.  .

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